James Robertson, PhD, PE, PTOE, RSP2IB
Project Manager
San Antonio, TX

Dr. Robertson has over 14 years of cumulative experience in transportation research, municipal traffic engineering, and engineering consulting. Dr. Robertson is one of the first four people ever certified as a Level 2 Road Safety Professional in both Infrastructure and Behavior (RSP2IB). His areas of expertise include active transportation (pedestrian and bicycle), human factors in transportation, traffic signal timing & design, highway-rail grade crossing preemption, and traffic management for planned events. He is an ITE reviewer of proposed changes to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and he is a cited author within the Interim approval for the use of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons. Dr. Robertson is a 2010 Eno Fellow, 2012 Eisenhower Fellow, and 2015 Leadership ITE Graduate.